Professional Experience
2021 - present
Tenure-track position in Play Work and Children’s Material Cultures, Children, Childhood, and Youth Program, Department of Humanities, York University. Teaching 2 honour seminars in children's cultures.
2020 - 2021
Centre for Digital Humanities, Ryerson University. Collaborated on 3 Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council projects, and provided guest lectures on importance of digital humanities.
2016 - 2020
Limited-term appointment, teaching, research, and service in the Department of Geography and Environmental Studies, Ryerson University. Taught 6 courses per year, from 200-800 students per term. Supervised up to 10 teaching assistants per term, two graduate, and one undergraduate assistant.
2015 - 2016
Collaborated on research project on children in museums at the Centre for Research in Young People's Texts and Cultures, University of Winnipeg.
Collaborated on research project on Indiantown, British Columbia, University of Florida that resulted in Tyler McCreary's Shared Histories (2018).
2011Â - 2015
Full-time contract appointment. Developed five courses and curriculum for the Department of Environment and Geography, University of Manitoba. Taught between 150-250 students per term, 6 courses per year. Represented department on University of Manitoba Faculty Union. Represented the Canadian Women and Geography Study Group as Communications Coordinator. Represented Geographical Perspectives on Women Specialty Group of Association of American Geographers as International Liaison.
Created maps for book published by University of Toronto Press. (Lo, L., V. Preston, P. Anisef, R. Basu, and S. Wang. 2015. Social Infrastructure and Vulnerability in the Suburbs. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.)
Developed and administered two fourth year seminars for the Department of Geography, York University. Collaborated with class to develop a research project in Immigration, Race, and Ethnicity.
Course Developer and teacher for Department of Geography and Interdisciplinary Studies, University of Toronto. Created extensive lab manual for quantitative reasoning course using census data and basic statistical analysis.
2010Â - 2011
Highlighted data availability and consulted on data needs for York Region Community Foundation's Living in York Region: A community check-up document.
Collected research materials, updated databases, and conducted communications for CERIS (Centre of Excellence for Research on Immigration and Settlement) – The Ontario Metropolis Centre at York University.
2009Â - 2011
Conducted research for Toronto Immigrant Employment Data Initiative collaborating with community groups, and addressing their data needs and the available resources.
2004Â - 2007
Developed tutorials, assignments, and marked for Department of Geography, York University.
2001 - 2010
Conducted library, statistical, geographical, and qualitative research for seven funded research programmes with researchers at universities across Canada.
September 2026 - June 2028
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2020–22 SSHRC Connections Grant. Remembering Indiantown: Witsuwit'en Experiences in Smithers, 1921-1967 (with PI Tyler McCreary, Florida State and Paul Bowles, University of Northern British Columbia).
2020–21 SSHRC Partnership Engage Grant. COVID-19: Mapping Canada's potential to shift to a cycling nation post-pandemic through a Canada-Wide, coordinated bike count (collaborator with PI Sara Kirk, Dalhousie University, Alexander Soucy, St. Mary's, Meghan Winters, SFU, Karen Laberee, Victoria, Anders Swanson, Winnipeg Trails Association, Kate Walker, Velo Canada Bikes).
2018–20 SSHRC Insight Development Grant. Curating the story museum: Transmedia practices, participatory exhibits, and youth citizenship (co-applicant with PI Naomi Hamer, Ryerson University).
2017–18 RBC Immigrant, Diversity and Inclusion Project Funding. Assessing the Impacts of Investment and Disinvestment in High-rise Residential Towers in Toronto on the Quality of Life of Immigrant Families: Towards Socially Just and Inclusive City Building (Co-PI with Sara Edge and Sutama Ghosh, Ryerson University).
2016 Arts Undergraduate Research Assistantship. Research Assistant in Active Transportation Analysis-Community Engagement Research. Ryerson University.
2015–16 Partnership Grant Funding, Canadian City Kids, (with Naomi Hamer, University of Winnipeg).
2015 Award of Excellence for First Year Undergraduate Teaching, Clayton H. Riddell Faculty of Environment, Earth, and Resources, University of Manitoba.
2010–11 SSHRC Cluster, NiCHE Project Funding (Network in Canadian History and Environment), Community-Based Project for Reclaiming Aboriginal Knowledge and Remembering Colonial Histories through Ethnographic Film, (Co-PI with Tyler McCreary).
2007–09 Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council Doctoral Award, York University.
2008 Sexuality and Space Specialty Group Graduate Student Paper Award, Association of American Geographers.
2007 Ontario Graduate Scholarship.
2005–06 York University Graduate Scholarship.
2006 Canadian Association of Geographers – Ontario Division Doctoral Research Paper Award
2006 Glenda Laws Student PhD Paper Award. Geographical Perspectives on Women Specialty Group, Association of American Geographers
2005 Canadian Association of Geographers – Ontario Division Master’s Research Paper Award